Saturday, February 19, 2011

ADS that would appear in my Feed

These are four ads that I think would come up in my feed a lot. Since the feed was sort of "all knowing" I figured it would know what I like and use it to tempt me to buy more of it. It was hard just to chose four, but I think these are definitlely in the top.  (Click on the headings to watch the ads)

Nike Throwdown
I absolutely love this commercial.  It is catchy, upbeat, and inspiring.  I think this would come up in the feed a lot because I have a lot of Nike workout clothes and sneakers.  I am very active so it would know that I need and want high quality work out gear.  There are also more females in this commercial than the usual Nike ads so I would be part of the target audience for this commercial.

I have always been a Pepsi drinker.  It is way better than coke.  This would definitely play in my feed because I would probably go and buy a Pepsi every time it came up.  It would make me thirsty for one. I am a Biology major so I have taken physics and chemistry classes as well. This one might be one the feed would choose to play since Albert Einstein is a character in it and the feed may think I might look up to him or that I would find it amusing.

This or other travel sites would absolutely pop up in my feed all the time with deal on flights and hotels.  I travel a lot and always use Orbitz or Kayak to book my flights.  I know I can rely on Orbitz and have never had any problems with any purchases I have made there. The ad sort of reaffirms that it is reliable.  Also, the ads would most likely have advertisements with a beach or somewhere warm since those are the kinds of places I tend to travel.

Chocolate is a huge weakness of mine, not just Godiva. I pretty much crave chocolate 24/7.  I love Godiva chocolates and especially going into a Godiva chocolate store.  They smell so good I just want to buy everything.  As with the Pepsi commercial, after I saw this in my feed I would go and buy chocolate right away.  This ad correlates their chocolate with fun times with those people close to you, and it makes the chocolate seem more special and appealing.


  1. OK so I totally love your feed choices especially the one about pepsi! I also like how you showed a video with each feed (may have to steal your idea) it was very creative.

  2. This blog is nicely developed! I love how each ad has a video to accompany it. I think the NIKE is my fav =)

  3. Thank you both. I thought having the video would help. I tried to pick ones for each product that related more to my personality.

    And yes the Nike one is my favorite also. As soon as I see it it makes me want to go work out right now! It is very motivational.

  4. I stole your idea about the videos! I liked it a lot hahah... I loveee Godiva so much! I have such a sweet tooth. I always go in there and get free samples hahah

  5. I admit pepsi has way better commercials than coke but I can never drink pepsi.

  6. I think you did a good job personalizing your ads, and in my opinion it's exactly what the feed would do.
